We must learn from the women who came before us, and tell our stories to those who come after.
Thank you to the many women who have supported and empowered us to offer these events.
Real Talk Workshops for Teen Girls
Led by Emily Frost & Quetzal Francois
Workshops for Middle School & High School Aged Girls
Offered around the East Bay, Marin & Peninsula areas
May be facilitated by Emily, Quetzal, or both depending on size of group, date, and cost.
Workshops are typically 3 hours. May be longer if integrated into a parent-hosted sleepover.
Cost depends on time, location and group size.
We offer a sliding scale and payment options whenever possible.
Please inquire about hosting a workshop or more details below.
Making choices and cultivating relationships that end in joy and honor rather than shame and regret.
When we talk about 'sex', we're not really talking about sex, at least, that's not where we start. When we talk about sex, we are also talking about self-advocacy, gender, ethics, social justice, communication, and integrity. How do we understand our rights, limits and desires when it comes to sexuality? How are those rights, limits and desires being received and respected? As youth make choices that will affect the rest of their lives, what support are we offering them?
When we talk about 'drugs', we're not just talking about the perils of substance use. We are also talking about the longing to explore, expand, and belong. Do teens have correct information and a strong enough sense of themselves and what they are really after, to make choices that truly serve them and who they want to be?
REAL TALK is for girls who are interested in engaging in a REAL way about relationships, communication, sex and sexuality, risk and integrity. Workshops include honest conversation, accurate information, and opportunities to connect with other girls.
Join us for these special workshops as we help girls navigate the complicated landscape of being an embodied girl in these times.
Events include an awesome group of girls, excellent facilitator(s), and shared healthy food.
All girls welcome regardless of gender or sexual identification.
We make scholarships and payment plans available whenever possible.
These workshops will be a combination of sharing information and Q+A, offering a meaningful and somewhat introductory experience. For a deep dive version of this workshop, please see our Summer Retreat!
When we talk about 'drugs', we're not just talking about the perils of substance use. We are also talking about the longing to explore, expand, and belong. Do teens have correct information and a strong enough sense of themselves and what they are really after, to make choices that truly serve them and who they want to be?
REAL TALK is for girls who are interested in engaging in a REAL way about relationships, communication, sex and sexuality, risk and integrity. Workshops include honest conversation, accurate information, and opportunities to connect with other girls.
Join us for these special workshops as we help girls navigate the complicated landscape of being an embodied girl in these times.
- How do we have experiences that end in joy without regret?
- How are we influenced by cultural forces of sex, gender, and media?
- What's the connection between how I treat myself and how others treat me?
- How do I cultivate friendships and intimate relationships that are meaningful and supportive?
- What does it really feel like to state my needs? How do I know what I want, and why is it so hard to say 'no'?
- How do we cultivate intuition and learn to follow our instincts?
Events include an awesome group of girls, excellent facilitator(s), and shared healthy food.
All girls welcome regardless of gender or sexual identification.
We make scholarships and payment plans available whenever possible.
These workshops will be a combination of sharing information and Q+A, offering a meaningful and somewhat introductory experience. For a deep dive version of this workshop, please see our Summer Retreat!
Real Talk is...
- fun, meaningful, educational and inspiring
- led in an age and developmentally appropriate way that supports girls to ask honest questions, share experiences, and illuminates the inherent wisdom of the group
- facilitated by skilled non-parent mentor to maintain a welcoming space for all backgrounds and levels of experience
- inclusive of girls and female-bodied youth who are exploring their sexual and gender identity
- using curriculum around "the set up" and "fallbacks" from Marin-based youth advocate Charis Denison
Recommended reading for parents:
Girls & Sex, by Peggy Orenstein
Talk To Me First, by Deborah Roffman
Come As You Are, by Emily Nagoski
American Girls, by Nancy Jo Sales
Talk To Me First, by Deborah Roffman
Come As You Are, by Emily Nagoski
American Girls, by Nancy Jo Sales
By SEX we mean...the sexual spectrum
sexuality - sensuality - sexual intimacy - sexual identity - sexualization
"We need to be talking about balancing responsibility and joy, not just risk, disease, pregnancy and consent. Sexuality can be a source of self-knowledge, creativity and power. It can be safe, free from violence and dehumanization. We must encourage girls to have a voice. We must support intimate justice." - Peggy Orenstein, author of Girls & Sex |
"We are teaching girls how to have experiences that end in joy and honor, rather than regret, guilt, or shame. Youth need to understand what joy and regret really look like for them. We need to 'reflect and revise' what really matters. This work is so important, and I totally recommend working with Emily." |
"I recently heard Peggy Orenstein, author of Girls & Sex, say, "We don't want girls' early experiences to be something they have to get over." This pretty much captures the reason I offer these workshops. In my work mentoring girls, I often imagine what my life would have been like if I had someone like me to talk to when I was this age. Imagine what she would have taught me about real intimacy and partnership, about the sacredness of my body and it's cycles, about how to have fun and not lose myself? What if someone could have helped me see the profound gifts blossoming within me? Imagine how much less alone I would have felt if I could have connected to other girls and to my own transformation in a way that was meaningful to me. How different that time would have been. That is what I'm offering." - Emily Frost |
In their own words...
"Thank you so much for this weekend. I met so many different girls with the same problems as me. It's just good to know I'm not the only one dealing with these problems." - K.S.
"If there's one thing that was made really clear to me it's that as a woman, I should honor myself. I will take on that advice with me for the rest of my life. I don't think anyone could have said it in a better way." - K.G.L. "I really appreciated having the time to reflect on such a faceted subject, especially the solitary time. Also, it was such a gorgeous setting! But more importantly, I feel more secure in knowing what I want in a relationship, and the kind of guy who I want that relationship to be with. Asking for what I want is still difficult, but I think that's something that takes time to learn. Thank you so much for creating this space for me, my friends, and other girls - I hope as many girls as possible get to have this experience!" - K.W. "I learned a lot about our culture and how to deal with that, being a woman in today's society. Thank you so much for creating this experience. I don't normally get to talk about things like this, so it was amazing to be able to talk openly and not feel judged. I met new girls (who are all amazing) and because of what you've created I got to hear and learn about other young girls' perspectives and experiences of all sorts. Thank you for that. I've taken away a lot of important things to remember that will help me in the future, and through the rest of my life." - G.W. More praise... |
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