Today is unlike any other birthday I’ve had. Somehow I never connected the dots as vividly that this day marks not just my life, but my Birth. 💕 To know birth from the mama side, is as if to have touched the belly and crown of every birth before mine. My mother’s, my grandmother’s, hers. To imagine that 32 years ago my mother gave birth to ME, that was me that came through! And almost 90 years ago my great grandmother gave birth to my Nana, and that was HER that came through. And somehow the stars danced so we could share our day of birth through her daughter, my mama. ✨ What illuminated threads weave our stories, womb grown and wrapped in the darkness of unknowns, warmed and revealed by the light. So powerful, so vulnerable. All so fleeting and forever at once. 💫 Nothing changes you like becoming a mama. Nothing can prepare you and there is no going back. Today was the first year in many that I did not walk the hills and spread my Nana’s ashes and remember. Instead I spent the day with my baby and took a seriously deserved rest. I guess the juxtaposition of the tender softness of baby’s cheek and the raw truth of ashes let go to the wind is image enough to remind me how precious this all is. 🙏🏼 Thank you mom. I love you. Happy birthday Nana. I miss you. Please help me to remember how holy it all is. Grateful for this life. 🦋 The birthday girl With some new wrinkles to prove it! |
Excited to be facilitating this panel event on September 26th! Hope to see you there.
EMILY FROST is an artist and mentor working with youth and families in the Bay Area. She is the founder of LOVE YOUR NATURE, a movement devoted to girls and women awakening to their inherent wisdom, power, and purpose. Archives
July 2023
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